" প্রতিদিনের সংবাদ-DailyNews "

It is an app containing the links of all popular Bangladeshi newspapers with a high-speed and easy interface. Only popular and well-known newspapers are added here to maintain the authenticity of the information.

Please download the " প্রতিদিনের সংবাদ-DailyNews " app from Google Play Store-

During visiting those newspaper websites, all the terms and conditions of the respective website will be followed.

If you have any suggestion or need any information regarding this app, please contact us-


Please download the " প্রতিদিনের সংবাদ-DailyNews " app from Google Play Store-



Our Blogs-

ValoThakun.com- www.valothakun.com

and https://barnomala.valothakun.com

Dr. Hasan's Blog- www.dr-hasan.info